Company Overview

Company Name NOHKEN INC.
Established July 1965
Share capital Yen 408,000,000.-
Number of Employee 192 (June 2024)
Example of main facilities as property of the company Flame proof Ex test equipment. Intrinsic Safety Ex test equipment. Liquid Tanks for testing level instruments(c/w vibration and wave generator). Water spray test device. Hydraulic pressure test equipment. Industrial Temperature Test Chamber with hot air circulation. Automatic Welding Machine, Metal Processing Machine. Measurement Instruments for Production/Technical Jobs. Electronic Measurement Instruments of different purposes.
Patent Application Obtained Rights and Application: 39 cases in Japan and 62 cases outside Japan(Industrial property rights such as patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, etc.) on Jun3 30th, 2021.
The Banks in which NOHKEN INC. keeps its account. The Bank of Nagoya Limited(Osaka Brach Office), MUFG Bank, Limited(Esaka Brach Office).
Board Members
  • CEO Futoshi Nagashima
  • Directors Koji Masui
  • Directors Yukihiro Kobayashi
  • Auditor Hideo Azuma
Industrial Circles where NOHKEN INC. is a member.

Japan Electric Measuring Instruments Manufacturers' Association(JEMIMA)
The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN